Showing 25–36 of 30257 results

3M 6300 6000 Series Half Mask , 3M 6300 Polomaska řady 6000

Detailed product description half mask with two filters provides a more balanced seal than a mask with a single heavy filter in the front reduces breathing resistance improves visual field 3M bayonet clamping system for safe and secure filter attachment soft and light elastomeric face piece

3M 6300 Half mask for two filters 703M6300 , 3M 6300 Polomaska ​​pro dva filtry 703M6300

6300 LARGE 3M filter half mask for two protective filters, for repeated use, large size

3M 6502QL Half mask series 6500 QL , 3M 6502QL Polomaska řady 6500 QL

6502QL MEDIUM 3M filter half mask for two protective filters for demanding environments, medium size

3M 6503KL Half mask for two filters , 3M 6503KL Polomaska ​​pro dva filtry

6503QL LARGE 3M filter half mask for two protective filters for demanding environments, large size

3M 7501 Half mask series 7500 , 3M 7501 Polomaska řady 7500

Detailed product description half mask with exhalation valve for easier breathing and reduced heat and moisture accumulation 3M filter bayonet mounting system for secure secure mounting the soft silicone material provides greater flexibility and easier contact with the face and head uses all existing 2000, 5000 series filters and most 6000 series filters a system of headbands and a caliper with a trigger ability provides greater stability and less pressure on the nose

3M 7502 Half mask , 3M 7502 Polomaska

7502 MEDIUM 3M filter half mask for two extreme environment protective filters, medium size

3M 7503 Half mask with two filters , 3M 7503 Polomaska ​​se dvěma filtry

7503 LARGE 3M filter half mask for two protective filters for extreme environments, large size

3M 9320+ FFP2 , 3M 9320+ FFP2 ,2

COVID 19 protection under normal use. FFP3 is recommended for public health purposes.

3M 9330+ Aura respirator FFP3 , 3M 9330+ Aura respirátor FFP3

Полумаска с сажевым фильтром 9330+ обеспечивает защиту органов дыхания FFP3 с плоской складкой, трехпанельной конструкцией, низким сопротивлением дыханию и рельефной верхней панелью для уменьшения запотевания. Он оснащен инновационной ручкой для подбородка для легкой регулировки и оголовьем с цветовой кодировкой для быстрой и легкой идентификации.

3M Aura 1873V + FFP3 , 3M Aura 1873V + FFP3

3M ™ Cool Flow ™ Valve: Effective heat dissipation for a cooler, more comfortable environment, removes exhaled air and reduces the risk of fogging. Eye protection.

3M Aura 9322+ FFPz NR D , 3M Aura 9322+ FFPz NR D , 2

Folding respirator 3M 9322+ with an exhalation valve up to 12x NPK P, FFP2. Protection against hazardous particles - fine dust, liquid aerosols based on water and oil.

3M Aura 9332+ respirator FFP3 , 3M Aura 9332+ respirátor FFP3 ,1

Class 3 (FFP3) is used to protect against highly toxic solid or liquid aerosols (eg chromium), viruses, radioactive and carcinogenic substances.