Showing 601–612 of 1211 results

Lacrimart Eye Drops Benzalkonium Chloride Disinfectant 10 ml

Lacrimart Collirio is used in the disinfection of the ocular mucosa and in dry eye syndrome.

Lacrinorm Gel Oculare 10g 0.01%

Disinfection of the mucous membrane of the eyes. A lubricant and moisturizer for eyes with insufficient tears (Dry Eye Syndrome).

Lacrinorm Ophthalmic gel 10g 0.01%

Disinfection of the mucous membrane of the eyes. A lubricant and moisturizer for eyes with insufficient tears (Dry Eye Syndrome).

Lacrisol Eye drops 50 + 4.5 mg Benzalkonium chloride Bottle 10 ml

Lacrisol Collirio is used in the disinfection of the ocular mucosa and as a lubricant in dry eye syndrome.

Lacteol Lactic Ferments 5 billion Lactobacillus LB, 20

Lacteol is used in the treatment of forms of alterations in the bacterial flora of various origins and nature.

Lacteol Powder Lactic Ferments 10 billion Lactobacillus LB, 10

Lacteol Powder is used in the treatment of diarrheal and dyspeptic syndromes caused by altered bacterial flora.

Lactulose Almus Laxative Syrup, 200 ml

Lattulosio Almus Sciroppo Lassativo 200 ml

Lactulose Eg syrup 180ml 66.7%

Treatment for short term constipation

Lactulose Sandoz Syrup Bottle 180ml

Belongs to the category of osmotic laxatives (emollients).

Lactulose Zentiva 66.7 g / 100 ml Laxative Syrup, 200 ml

Lactulose Zentiva Syrup is a medicine used for the short-term treatment of occasional constipation and to improve bowel regularity.

Laevolac Laxative Syrup 66.7% / 100 ml Lactulose, 180 ml

Laevolac Syrup is used for the short-term treatment of occasional constipation in adults and children.

Lamisil cream 20g 1%

Sodium hydroxide, benzyl alcohol, sorbitan monostearate, cetyl palmitate, cetyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, polysorbate 60, isopropyl myristate, demineralized water.