Showing 49–60 of 113 results


Lubricating Eye Drops

Ischemol A Tetrizoline hydrochloride Eye drops 10 ml

Ischemol A Collirio is used in allergic-hyperemic forms affecting the conjunctiva and ocular adnexa or in congestive states of the conjunctiva.

Kendo Oral Drops 200 mg / ml Ibuprofen 12.5 ml

Kendo Oral Drops 200 mg / ml contains the active ingredient ibuprofen, which belongs to a group of medicines known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Ketoftil eye drops 0.05% Ketotifen 25 vials 0.5 ml

Ketoftil Collirio Monodose is used in the treatment of acute and chronic conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis of an allergic nature (spring, atopic and others).

Ketoftil Eye Drops 0.05% Ketotifene Bottle 10 ml

Ketoftil Collirio is used in the treatment of acute and chronic conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis of an allergic nature (spring, atopic and others).

Ketoftilcoll Fl 10ml 0.5mg / ml

Conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis of acute and chronic allergic nature (spring, atopic and others).

Kovilen Eye Drops 2% Nedocromil Sodium Bottle 5 ml

Kovilen Eye Drops are used for the prophylaxis of allergic-based eye diseases.

Lacrimart Eye Drops Benzalkonium Chloride Disinfectant 10 ml

Lacrimart Collirio is used in the disinfection of the ocular mucosa and in dry eye syndrome.

Lacrisol Eye drops 50 + 4.5 mg Benzalkonium chloride Bottle 10 ml

Lacrisol Collirio is used in the disinfection of the ocular mucosa and as a lubricant in dry eye syndrome.

Levostab Eye drops 0.5 mg / ml Levocabastine Conjunctivitis 4 ml

Levostab Collirio is used in case of allergic conjunctivitis.