Showing 1–12 of 17 results

Biolectra Immun with Algovir effect

Set to support the immune system with zinc, histidine and selenium shortens the cold time up to 3 days

Cold package-ratiopharm

Cold package from ratiopharm with 4 products against the common cold

Cold set

For cold symptoms such as runny nose, cough, headache and body aches

Cold set Dobendan, Nurofen, Sagrotan

Set consists of: 1x Sagrotan 2in1 disinfectant wipes, 1x Dobendan Direct Flurbiprofen Spray 8.75mg / dose mouth, 1x Nurofen 200 mg orodispersible tablets lemon

Cold set for adults 9 pieces

Cold set for adults For cold symptoms such as runny nose, cough, headache and body aches

Cold set for prevention, 6 pieces

Prevent the cold season Strengthen the immune system and defenses

Cold set homeopathic

Cold set with homeopathic remedies For children and adults At the first sign of a cold For cold symptoms such as runny nose and dry cough

Dobendan set against sore throat day / night

Dobendan Direkt Flurbiprofen for sore throats Dobendan Direct Flurbiprofen inhibit inflammation Dobendan Direkt Flurbiprofen Spray pain reliever and anti-inflammatory for up to 6 hours Dobendan Direct Flurbiprofen Spray ideal for work, with high language usage and during the sleep cycle

Dolo-Dobendan set against sore throats

Dolo-Dobendan for rapid relief from acute sore throats Dolo-Dobendan fight the bacteria Dobendan Direkt Flurbiprofen Spray pain reliever and anti-inflammatory for up to 6 hours Dobendan Direct Flurbiprofen Spray ideal for work, with high language usage and during the sleep cycle