Syzygium aromaticum has a beneficial effect on tooth protection
Curcuma longa helps with inflammation of the gums
Supports cleansing of the oral cavity
Terminalia chebula helps soothe irritated cranial nerves
Terminalia bellirica acts as an antioxidant and strengthens the immune system
Syzygium aromaticum a un effet benefique sur la protection des dents
Curcuma longa aide a lutter contre la gingivite
Favorise le nettoyage de la cavite buccale
Terminalia chebula aide a apaiser les nerfs craniens irrites
Terminalia bellirica agit comme un antioxydant et renforce le systeme immunitaire
Syzygium aromaticum pusobi priznive na ochranu zubu
Curcuma longa pomaha pri zanetlivosti dasni
Podporuje ocistu ustni dutiny
Terminalia chebula prispiva k uklidneni podrazdenych hlavovych nervu
Terminalia bellirica pusobi jako antioxidant a posiluje imunitni system