Polynucleotides (PDRN) have become a real sensation in the world of cosmetology. Polynucleotides are the “building blocks” that restore the structure of the skin from the inside, increasing the production of collagen.

Currently, there are completely new and unique technologies that are designed to combat the causes of aging!

PDRN is a “prodrug” that supplies cells with a sufficient amount of mitogenic deoxyribonucleotides, deoxyribonucleosides, and nitrogenous bases.

Advantages of the drug

The effect of PDRN on the skin:

• stimulate the repair processes
• accelerate recapitulatio and scarring of the skin
* provide rapid and harmonious formation of granulation tissue in the wound area
* increase the metabolic activity of cells
* stimulate angiogenesis (restore microcirculation in tissues)
• enhance the moisturizing effect of hyaluronic acid
* reduce the level of pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-a (reducing the inflammatory manifestations of acne)
• are highly effective traps of free radicals (protect against damage by metabolites, xenobiotics, temperature factors, etc.)
• protect from UVB radiation and prevent the development of pigmentary

PDR security

By its structure, PDRN is a fragment of a DNA molecule, a unique polymer molecule with multi-faceted positive properties that affect cellular processes in the human body and homeostasis with no toxicity and contraindications. Studies of scientists have shown that low-molecular-weight DNA with a molecular weight of no more than 500 kDa does not carry genetic information. It is known that such low-molecular-weight DNA cannot cause genetic transformation even in bacterial systems. There are no allergic or other negative reactions and no serious undesirable side effects.

Efficiency of the PDR

At the stage of preclinical studies, the possibility of using the DNA-RNA complex in aesthetic medicine and its activity “in vitro” in the test system, which was a culture of human epidermis cells, was studied. The complex significantly affects the metabolism of cells, increasing the rate of synthesis of intracellular proteins and DNA by 1.5-2.5 times, while the pronounced effect depends on the concentration of the complex. It has been proved that the revealed effect of stimulation extends through immunocompetent cells of the epidermis to the entire immune system of the body as a whole, that is, the state of the immune system of the entire body is normalized.

TwAc. The preparations of new generation on the basis of polynucleotides


* recovery after traumatic procedures (laser resurfacing);
* moisturize the skin of the neck, face, back of the hand and decollete area
* eliminate wrinkles;
* increase the hydration and elasticity of the skin;
• giving the skin a glow.

Injection level: intradermal, the possibility of bruising is low.

Packaging: volume 3 ml. This is enough for the face, neck, decollete and hands.

The innovative TwAc formula is based on hyaluronic acid and polynucleotides. Polynucleotides, or PDRN for short – are tiny fragments of highly purified DNA. Polynucleotides are a “prodrug” that supplies cells with a sufficient amount of mitogenic deoxyribonucleotides, deoxyribonucleosides, and nitrogenous bases.

The combined action of these components leads to a number of effects:

* stimulate repair and renewal processes;
• accelerate the re-epithelialization of the skin;
* provide rapid and harmonious formation of granulation tissue in the wound area (rapid wound healing);
* increase the metabolic activity of cells;
* stimulate angiogenesis (improve blood supply to tissues);
* enhance the moisturizing effect of the hyaluronic acid contained in the preparation;
* reduce the level of proinflammatory cytokine TNF-a;
* they are highly effective traps of free radicals that “devour” healthy cells.

Mechanism of action of TwAc

Due to the high concentration of PDRN and the high viscosity of hyaluronic acid, when exposed, we get a long-lasting and powerful modulating effect on skin cells. Long polymer chains of polynucleotides provide the ability to bind water molecules, while enhancing overall hydration. There is also an increase in the growth and division of skin cells (including fibroblasts), which has a powerful effect of self-rejuvenation. As a result, active tissue regeneration occurs. With the combined effect of the active components of the TwAc line of drugs, the production of growth factors increases, collagen synthesis is stimulated, and DNA repair is activated. There is a renewal of all layers of the skin and restoration of damaged tissues, prevention and treatment of age-related changes is carried out, the complexion improves, turgor and elasticity increases, skin tone is restored, wrinkles of small and medium depth are corrected.

Before the biorevitalization procedure, anesthesia is performed by applying a cream. Biorevitalization is carried out by individual courses .

Rehabilitation period and side effects

After injection, there may be a slight swelling and redness of the skin. These side effects are local in nature and go away on their own after a few hours.

Result. Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid increases the elasticity, density, turgor of the skin, saturates it with life-giving moisture, improves the structure and color. After a course of procedures, the relief is leveled, fine wrinkles are smoothed, and deep wrinkles become less distinct, the oval of the face is tightened.